Big Grinn

Some joy in life are so simple yet priceless..

Lyrics and Chocolate


You know that feeling when you just want to sit and grin from ear to ear…and then you realise that you are actually doing it and the guy in the car next to you is clearly thinking you must be “special” because you are most probably looking like a dufus. Yip, that was the start to my day 🙂

I do feel cheerfully happy this morning. The weather in Cape Town looks a little glum but not even that can take the spring out of my step. Both my girls received awards at school yesterday for culure and reflecting on everything they do and have done, I feel so proud. They are beautiful, intelligent and talented. What more can a mother ask for. I absolutely loved school…nerd I know, but I really did. The simplicity of it was blissful. The friends were sometimes forgettable, sometimes not. The boys were all…

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